About The Event
The CS2 Italy Conference is the premier venue for computational social scientists in Italy and it aims to become an important event for the international research community. The event will serve as a platform for researchers from different disciplines, including economics, sociology, political science, psychology, cognitive science, computer science, and the full range of natural and applied sciences, to explore the intersection of social phenomena and computational methods. With a focus on leveraging cutting-edge technologies to analyze, model, and understand human behavior, the conference promises insightful discussions, groundbreaking research presentations, and networking opportunities.
Department of Sociology and Social Research - Trento, Italy
Wednesday to Saturday 15-18 January 2025
Computational Social Science Theory
Theoretical work that generates new insights, connections, and frameworks for computational social science research
- Theoretical discussions/concepts in computational social science
- Science and technology studies approach to computational science work
- Practical problems in computational social science
- Issues of inclusivity in computational social science
- Ethics of computational research on human behavior
Data-Driven Social Science
Data-driven work that describes and discovers social and cultural phenomena or explains and estimates relations between them and the larger society.
- Network analysis of social systems
- Methods and issues of social data collection
- Large-scale social experiments and phenomena
- Agent-based or other simulation of social phenomena
- Text analysis and natural language processing (NLP) of social phenomena
- Analysis of meaning through computational analysis of text, images, audio, video, etc.
- Use of computational methods to map and study cultural patterns and dynamics
- Social news curation and collaborative filtering
- Computational social science research in industry, government, and philanthropy
Method Exploration
Work that advances methods and approaches for computational social science.
- Methods and analyses of integrated human-machine decision-making
- Methods and analyses of biased, selective, or incomplete observational social data
- Methods and analyses for social information / digital communication dynamics
- Integration and triangulation of multi-modal social and cultural data
- Causal inference and computational methods for social science
- Neural network methods for social analysis and policy exploration
- Methods and analyses of algorithmic accountability and trustworthiness
- Building and evaluating socio-technical systems
- Reproducibility in computational social science research
- Infrastructure to facilitate industry/academic cooperation in computational social science
- Novel digital data and computational analyses for addressing societal challenges
Types of contribution
The accepted contributions will be selected for one of the following presentations:
- a lightning talk (~6 mins) in a plenary session
- an oral presentation in parallel tracks
Conference deadlines
Abstract submission: September 20, 2024
Notification of abstract acceptance: November 10, 2024
Early-bird registration deadline: December 31, 2024
Registrations close: January 10, 2025
Abstract submission instructions
The deadline for submissions has expired.
Tutorial deadlines
Tutorial proposals submission: July 30, 2024
Notification of tutorial acceptance: September 1, 2024
Conference dates
Tutorials: 15 January 2025
Conference days: 16 - 17 January 2025
Establishment of the society Computational Social Science Italy (CS2Italy): 18 January 2025
Invited Speakers
Inaugural Address
Alessandro Vespignani, Northeastern University and ISI Foundation

Esteban Moro
Northeastern University
Alison Heppenstall
University of Glasgow
Alex Mesoudi
University of ExeterProgram
The detailed program of the parallel sessions is available here.
The draft statute of the Society for Computational Social Science Italy is available here.
All times below are CET.
Tutorials in parallel sessions
(Wednesday, 15 January 2025)
Tutorial (Room: Laboratorio 2) Creating and analyzing parliamentary speeches
Alessio Palmero Aprosio (University of Trento)
Tutorial (Room: Laboratorio 3) DataScientia services: collecting pervasive data on human behavior
Matteo Busso / Andrea Bontempelli / Ali Hamza / Leonardo Javier Malcotti (University of Trento)
Tutorial (Room: Laboratorio 2) Agentizing Computational Models
Francesco Renzini / Flaminio Squazzoni (University of Milan)
Tutorial (Room: Laboratorio 3) The Italian Open Social Science Cloud and the RISIS Infrastructure: Fostering Advanced Tools and Services for Social Science Research and Evidence-Based Decision-Making
Giovanni Cerulli (CNR) and FOSSR members
Main Conference
(Thursday, 16 January 2025)
Conference Opening
Alessandro Vespignani (Northeastern University and ISI Foundation)
Inaugural address
Esteban Moro (Northeastern University)
Keynote speech
Coffee Break
Parallel sessions
Alison Heppenstall (University of Glasgow)
Keynote speech
Coffee Break
Parallel sessions
Ristorante Ca' dei Gobj
Conference Dinner
Main Conference
(Friday, 17 January 2025)
Alex Mesoudi (University of Exeter)
Keynote speech
Lightning Talks
Coffee Break
Parallel sessions
Parallel sessions
Coffee Break
Closing remarks
Establishment of the Society for Computational Social Science Italy
(Saturday, 18 January 2025)
Meeting of the Society for Computational Social Sciences Italy
Aula Kessler
Creating and analyzing parliamentary speeches
Presenters: Alessio Palmero Aprosio (University of Trento)
Website: https://sites.google.com/unitn.it/parlaspeechcs2italy
DataScientia services: collecting pervasive data on human behavior
Presenters: Matteo Busso, Andrea Bontempelli, Ali Hamza, Leonardo Javier Malcotti (University of Trento)
Website: https://datascientia.disi.unitn.it/ds-tutorial-cs2italy/
Agentizing Computational Models
Presenters: Francesco Renzini, Flaminio Squazzoni (University of Milan)
Website: https://behavelab.org/workshops/
The Italian Open Social Science Cloud and the RISIS Infrastructure: Fostering Advanced Tools and Services for Social Science Research and Evidence-Based Decision-Making
Presenters: Giovanni Cerulli (CNR-IRCrES, FOSSR scientific responsible) and FOSSR members
Website: https://www.fossr.eu/
Registration is closed.
- Please, note: CS2Italy is a in presence-only event. No hybrid or remote participation will be possible.
- To present their work, all speakers must register for CS2Italy and attend the conference in person.
- Registration fees are described below. All full conference fees include the participation in the tutorials. However, it is possible to register to attend the tutorials only, on January 15, 2025, at a reduced fee.
- If you are a BA / MA / PhD student (from any University), tutorials attendance is free of charge.
- To register for one of the tutorials, please send an email to cs2italy@gmail.com including your name and the tutorial you wish to attend
Early bird (until December 20, 2024)
- Senior fee: €300
- Post-doc fee: €200
- PhD fee: € 150
- Student Ma: €100
- Private fee: €400
Late bird (after December 20, 2024)
- Senior fee: €350
- Post-doc fee: €220
- PhD fee: € 160
- Student Ma: €100
Private fee: €500
- Conference Dinner: €80
Registration to the CS2Italy conference (all fees) includes a one-year membership to the Society “Computational Social Science Italy” that will be established on Saturday, January 18, 2025.
Department of Sociology and Social Research
Trento, Italy
Via Giuseppe Verdi 26, Trento
University of Trento
University of Trento
CNR Rome
University of Trento
ISI Foundation
University of Trento
University of Trento
Fondazione Bruno Kessler
University of Milan
University of Trento
University of Trento
Northeastern University
Scientific Committee
University of Trento
University of Trento
Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies
University of Mannheim
University of Milan
University of Trento
NILU - the Climate and Environmental Research Institute
Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Bicocca University of Milan
ISI Foundation
Fondazione Bruno Kessler
University of Milan
University of Padua
Sapienza University of Rome
TU Dublin
Sapienza University of Rome
City University
University of Padua
Sorbonne Université
King's College London - University of London
Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Sorbonne Université
University of Amsterdam
University of Milan
Queen Mary University of London
Max Planck Institute
Sapienza University of Rome
University of Milan
Eastern Piedmont University
Eastern Piedmont University
University of Milan
Collegio Carlo Alberto
University of Trento
University of Trento
University of Milan
University of Trento
Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies
Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies
Ca' Foscari University of Venice